Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Is the Door to Your Addiction Completely Shut?

     Here's a question that I'd like you to ask yourself?  Have you totally shut the door to your addiction?  If the door is not totally shut, we addicts will obsess about that crack in the door and think about the drugs and/or alcohol on the other side until we have talked ourselves into going through the open door and relapsing. However, if we know the door is totally shut, then it is almost a relief.. we can move on. We don't have to obsess, we can actually live this life that has been given to us without the ball and chain of obsessive addictive thinking attached .  We only have to conquer today, or possibly this hour or even this minute. What has helped this alcoholic stay sober has been to actually visualize the door being totally shut and locked to my addiction.  There is no way I can open that door, so why sit and think about it? The door is shut tight and does not open.  Knowing that, I visualize myself turning my back to the locked door and walking away from it and seeing the freedom that this new life of sobriety has to offer me.
   So, here's the question only you can answer, "Is the door to your addiction totally shut?"
Just sayin'